
洋画家伊東哲 Satoshi Ito, artist




伊東哲  河邑厚徳「藝大生の自画像」 NHK出版2007年 p110-116
故郷に見える人間味 花園村伊東兄弟との交流から 伊東平隆「北國文華」2009冬号p42-49, 2008
 異能の画家・伊東哲の数奇な生涯 八田技師建設のダム記録画を描いた男 伊東平隆「北國文華」20013冬号p170-179 2010
 「花子とアン 柳原白蓮を描いた金沢の奇才 伊東哲画伯の数奇な人生」 アクタス20149月号p20-27
白蓮を描いた金沢の画家・伊東哲 二木伸一郎 北國文華2014秋号 p169-182
「回想の八田與一」 北國新聞社出版局編 20161215日 p18「青年與一立山に登る」に伊東哲について紹介
 歴史街道June2017 PHP研究所 p62に「嘉南大しゅう工事模様壁掛け」が紹介される
 この他古川勝三 台湾を愛した日本人 八田與一の生涯1989 p182-183に記載 

Satoshi Ito was born in Hanazono Village in 1891. He graduated from Tokyo School of Fine Arts, (present Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music). His art work “Husband and Wife” was accepted for the 10th Annual Art Exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education in 1916. His works were accepted for Exhibition of the Imperial Fine Art Academy 6 times. He was blamed strongly for his picture, “Contemplating Poet” accepted for the 8th Exhibition of the Imperial Fine Art Academy in 1927. The model of the picture was Mrs. Byakuren Yanagiwara who was a cousin of Taisyo Emperor, had run away with her lover from her husband, a rich owner of coal mines. She was morally criticized. He would not send his work to any exhibition since then. Satoshi went to Taiwan. Yoichi Hatta, his relative, offered a work to draw pictures of Chianan large scale irrigation facilities. Then Satoshi got a job to teach art at Beijing Art School. After World War II, he taught art at Togane junior high school. He drew many water color landscape pictures of the country. In his later years he drew a kind of abstract paintings of biological cells. He died in 1977 at his age of 88.

1 件のコメント:

  1. こんにちは、伊東哲について研究、論文を書いている学生です。できれば取材をしたいのですが、可能でしょうか。
